python Python's virtual environments Effective environment management saves time and allows developers to create an isolated software product such that collaborators or contributors can recreate your environment and run your code. This, of course, also applies to jupyter notebooks.
data analysis Visualizations for Density Estimations and T-tests How do visualizations contribute to a better understanding of numerical results? Libraries and methods considered are seaborn, pyplot, histograms and kernel density estimations.
mapping What is ‘informal learning’ while categorizing observations? All learning theories include an element where learning is described as lasting change. That is, we change what we know through experience. What exactly counts as ‘experience’ and what we mean by ‘lasting change’ is a matter of debate and this is where learning theories enter the field.
geospatial data IPyLeaflet: The map is not the territory.. so what should it be? IPyLeaflet is a remarkable python library for mapping. It supports us in emphasising the things we discover. The example included looks at a hypothetical relationship between overflowing rubbish bins and increased pollution of trees nearby in a viennese neighbourhood.